Saturday, September 22, 2007

been a little while

welcome back to my house. i have been excessively busy, and i really have no excuse. i have had a thought, though. i should post some of my masterworks of literature here for public perusal. maybe i will get some much-needed feedback. the only issue is that there are very very few people who even know of the existence of this blog. oh well. maybe this will help to get the word out.

at any rate, i shall leave you to wait anxiously for my next post. it shall contain a piece of my current masterwork short story, Angel.

auf Wieter sehen, meine freunden. wie Sie mein Haus verlassen, geben Sie acht, damit Sie nicht genommen werden.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Welcome to the House of Leaves

welcome to the house on Ash Tree Lane, the House of Leaves, the nameless, shapeless monster that will consume your fears and your dreams alike.

why am i even here? i have fallen into the pit of mediocrity, just like you. but rather than continue falling to my death, i will not be beaten by this foolish, parasitic web host. have no fear, my personal life will be well hidden from your public view.

when i return, do not be afraid, i am not the growl in the dark, only the whisper of madness in your ear.